This is my newest media reel for audition submissions.
It contains a scene from "Grace" where I play a 'Dinner Guest' who, instead of saying grace, uses other means to provide something prior to eating, or so it would seem.
I got the only real word in the scene, after some projectile vomiting that I did not show in this reel.
There is als a short set of views at my 'Cubicle Zombie' for's online commercial for its latest episode of "Dead Rising II" which came out on October 11, 2001.
This reel also contains parts of a song which was shot in the late summer of 1991 as part of Fiasco Film's "Water Music 1991".
With this reel there are a couple of scenes from "More On T.V. (Moron TV)".
'Darryl Iyckt' is seen on this video, too.
Maybe this newest reel will find enough attraction to provide me even more paying roles than I have already on my resume.
With any luck, you might be watching a reel from an up and coming background/extra actor.