Friday, November 18, 2011

Media Reel "A" for Mark Wells

This is my newest media reel for audition submissions.

It contains a scene from "Grace" where I play a 'Dinner Guest' who, instead of saying grace, uses other means to provide something prior to eating, or so it would seem.

I got the only real word in the scene, after some projectile vomiting that I did not show in this reel.

There is als a short set of views at my 'Cubicle Zombie' for's online commercial for its latest episode of "Dead Rising II" which came out on October 11, 2001.

This reel also contains parts of a song which was shot in the late summer of 1991 as part of Fiasco Film's "Water Music 1991".

With this reel there are a couple of scenes from "More On T.V. (Moron TV)".

'Darryl Iyckt' is seen on this video, too.

Maybe this newest reel will find enough attraction to provide me even more paying roles than I have already on my resume.

With any luck, you might be watching a reel from an up and coming background/extra actor.

One of the Worst!

Perhaps one day I will expand on what this is and where it appears on "X" movie.

But right now let's just admit that it is what it is and hope it doesn't go viral and embarrass my family and whatever remaining friends who would admit to being my friend.

Yes, there is a pillow under my shirt.

Yes, I did fall and get very bloody on the shoot.

I added the explosion to what was sent to me. The Director of the project either did not know how to put in an explosion or for some other reason, simply didn't add it to what was a 6 minute, 29 second segment of a longer film.

Essentially, I am supposed to get shot with a magic bejeweled exploding arrow that blows me into smithereens.

My part was being one of two maniac bus drivers who were chasing the heroine and the female aliens, for some reason.

If you look very, very carefully, yes we are twirling chain key fobs with a D-ring held in our hand, as weapons.

The 'arrows' used in other parts of the full film still have their rubber ends that make them stick to walls. The 'art department' didn't bother to try to make pointed ends on the arrows.
Not that there was an 'art department' on the project, in the first place.

I've learned more rules in my new working life: Don't volunteer for indie projects where shooting on a D5 or D7 is advertised. Those shoots are less than very, very, very low budget.

This shot comes from one of my earlier projects for the time frame of August to November.

It will be long remembered by me and if and when you see the full segment, you will be astonished because it really is beyond belief.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Assassin and the Croc Hunter

This is a portion of a longer video titled, "More On T.V. (Moron TV) produced in about 2008.

Several Producer/Directors included segments to make up the full film.

Much of the concept for the larger production came from "The Groove Tube" a feature film produced several decades ago.

My portion of the larger production took from one of my favorite films, "Apocalypse Now" and from my mimicking of the late, great Mr. Steve Irwin.

My piece also is subject to my absurd sense of humor that many viewers have trouble enjoying. It is highly visual and subject to different interpretations.

The piece here does not include a few scenes of me inside the 'inn' and I think you might be grateful for that. My weird sense of humor ran amok the day we shot those bits.

One of the players in the piece has been in other productions but has never spoken a word on camera, until the word he spoke in this piece.